

10 Jun

    [DE]Glen on Forums - Thread - Direct
27 minutes ago, Quarterdane said:

Not even indirectly (e.g. by way of mEnemyRadarVisRange somehow feeding into the pathfinding or somesuch)?

Only through faith and prayer.

    [DE]Glen on Forums - Thread - Direct

@Xzorn I watched your video and I'm sorry but I don't see how your experiment proves anything -- what's to say you they wouldn't have become unstuck when you arrived at the same point but just couldn't see them? 

Further, let me show you where Enemy Radar is used in the code:


Find all "AVATAR_ENEMY_RADAR", Subfolders, Find Results 1, Entire Solution, "*.cpp"
  S:\Evolution\Code\Lotus\Interface\MiniMap.cpp(445):            mEnemyRadarVisRange = inv->UpgradeMgr().GetUpg...

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09 Jun

    [DE]Glen on Forums - Thread - Direct

40 questions took 5 hours -- next year remind me to bring snacks! Thank you for your questions and thank you for watching!

    [DE]Glen on Forums - Thread - Direct

Ask Me [Almost] Anything [Again] is live on http://twitch.tv/DE_BadHorse

05 Jun

    [DE]Glen on Forums - Thread - Direct

@GunRaptor9000 most of your wall of text is inadmissible; please review the rules in the original post and cut it down to size. 


Edited by [DE]Glen

04 Jun

    [DE]Glen on Forums - Thread - Direct

"What are your thoughts on this feature I want to see implemented?" and "will there ever be a change to this thing I don't like?" are not valid questions. Cm'aaaaan!

    [DE]Glen on Forums - Thread - Direct

Since it's been over a year since the last one I'm going to do another AMA this Sunday on my stream at my usual time (...

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02 Jun

    [DE]Glen on Forums - Thread - Direct

Forma party today on http://twitch.tv/DE_BadHorse


01 Jun

    [DE]Glen on Forums - Thread - Direct

Horsing around with the Ropalolyst today on http://twitch.tv/DE_BadHorse

26 May

25 May

23 May

    [DE]Glen on Forums - Thread - Direct
Just now, NightmareT12 said:

A great insight, unfortunately I am unsure I can grasp it all. Anyways, I have a question: If we use options such as DSR or Downsampling, what should we expect to happen or how does it usually behave? (say, I have a 1920x1080 monitor, enable DSR on Nvidia CP because I got a good card, select 4K. Would I be affected?)

Also, does stuff like this:

Lend a hand at all?

Thanks for your time Glen.

Anything you make the driver do after we hand off the frame-buffer is out of my control -- I don't know what it'll do.

    [DE]Glen on Forums - Thread - Direct
5 minutes ago, Rhundis said:

By scale do you mean the over scale function? I haven't played with that since I re installed my os but on my old build I had it upscaled due to black bars around the edge of my old monitor which gave it a letterbox feel. Thanks for the reply though.

Windows 7:


Windows 10:


    [DE]Glen on Forums - Thread - Direct
2 minutes ago, Rhundis said:

So what I'm understanding from this is it basically affects users who use a monster at a higher resolution than what they game at? 

For myself I've always played Warframe full screen 1080p, as I only have one monitor and my native resolution is the same as the games. Does that mean I'll be unaffected by this issue? My understanding of computers goes as far as how to build them and that's it. You lose me with the code magic.

If Windows is set to 100% scale none of this should matter.

    [DE]Glen on Forums - Thread - Direct

Update 25 included a number of invisible fixes and changes for how we handle fullscreen. In fact much of that work had nothing to do with fullscreen at all and was for something far more difficult, something that we weren’t ready to release, and something that has caused players problems for quite a while. We like to say “no good deed goes unpunished” to refer to problems uncovered while fixing or improving a feature of the game and this is a story of one such deed.

To understand this mess you need to have some background. In recent years computer displays have been getting better in a lot of ways: better color accuracy, faster response times, and most importantly: more pixels. There seems to have been some sort of arms race in laptop manufacturers in recent years where we’d see higher and higher resolution on tiny display panels -- it’s not unusual to see a 4K display on a 15-inch laptop with only an entry level mobile graphics chip to support it.

The ...

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12 May

11 May

05 May

27 Apr

21 Apr

    [DE]Glen on Forums - Thread - Direct

What could possibly go wrong? http://twitch.tv/DE_BadHorse